Friday, January 29, 2010


A time comes when we are asked to choose, between sour & sweet, between right & wrong, between the devil & the angel, between Life & Death…
When it concerns your life, along with others’ life, its nothing but strife, or is it otherwise???

Specialize in patient care,
That is, if I may dare,
They say there is need,
They now want to pay heed
Get along your experience
In a document form
Get along your 'perseverance'
& share what’s in your palm

Yes it’s an interview,
An open chance for very few,
But the way I view
Its Life kept 'in lieu'

It was a year back, when I saw them, when I spoke to them, when they shared what they had, when they fought with all that they got…

Documentation – that was the word then & the toughest thing to do. Exchange of calls while filling up the proforma, exchange of emotions for those hopeful eyes

Now, a year later I click the ‘search’ button, I type in names…

I realize each call,
They said God did call
They feel it was soon
But they take it as a boon
The pain was in pair
The cause – wasn’t fair

Those thoughts come back, reminding of those times, when we were younger, when we didn’t know much, but they felt connected, they felt assured, and that feeling is what kept going, time passed, life passed, so did we…

Documentation – that was the word then… I feel at what cost, at whose pain, we all were lost, it was a bane…


PS said...

We are all but documents... Living School leaving and experience certificates, black words on white paper and emotions wrapped in a folder. Its a ritual for baptism.. to prove yourself to the world, and sometimes yourself.. Nice portrayal dear. Cheers! and keep writing...

Anandhi R said...

sure, life is a documentation from birth to death for everyone whatever the life span. but what goes in between the first and the last cert. is what u r and what u hv achieved practically, emotionally, spiritually... it can go on... u need to work for it. the first and the last is not in ur hands. just think!!! u r in the middle. no begining and no ending! just like god. discover him within u!!!