Saturday, February 11, 2012

For what it's worth...

It’s been more than a year…
Since I jotted down my experience
Was it not worth it?
Or was I not worth it?

Let’s talk about Medicine
Where have we actually reached?
Have we advanced in treatment?
Have we achieved the inevitable?

I was summoned if I may say,
To help a neighbor, to help a friend
To help the family, through this tough period
Most of all, the lady in distress

I went for the session & heard her out
Refreshed my subject and then I spoke
I doubted myself, yes I did
Hadn’t dealt with so much pain, in a very long time

I spoke what was conventional,
I couldn’t reach out to her,
Did I lack that knowledge?
Or was it jus strength?
Or was it something more?
Was I ready to accept?
That this time it’s inevitable?
And there may be life ‘no more’…

It’s been more than a year…
Since I jotted down my experience
Was this worth it?
Or was I worth it?